Changes to nursing scholarships

Nurses who wish to study part-time and ENs will benefit most from the overhaul of the aged care scheme.

The number of Commonwealth-funded aged care nursing scholarships made available each year is set to increase in recognition of the popularity of part-time study.

This measure is just one of a number of changes to the government’s scholarship scheme, announced in response to recommendations from the Royal College of Nursing Australia.

“Nurses are an integral part of the health and aged care system,” said the Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot.

“This is about improving the skills of our nation’s nurses and supporting them.”

Scholarship recipients will now receive an additional $5,000 each semester to cover the cost of courses, travel, textbooks and other equipment.

And for the first time, enrolled nurses will be eligible for the scholarships, along with their registered colleagues.

“Allowing enrolled nurses to access on-going educational opportunities will help retain these valuable staff in our aged care homes,” said Mrs Elliot.

“We need to make sure we have the right training and scholarships programs in place.”

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