Homes recognised for meaningful dementia support

Melbourne aged care homes have been recognised for quality and safety across their dementia support program.

Calvary’s 2024 Star award for quality and safety has been awarded to Calvary’s aged care homes across Melbourne’s Mornington and Bayside area for their Montessori-based dementia support program.

The program provides small-group activities and support for residents living with dementia.

Calvary aged care general manager Dana Leraci said the memory support program, which runs across six of the provider’s homes, had resulted in improved clinical outcomes and more settled behaviours in participants.

“It has also had a positive impact on other residents and staff members,” he said.

Kerry Taylor with a resident who takes part in the program. (Image: Supplied)

Calvary Capel Sands care worker Kerry Taylor who runs the program each weekday with support from other staff, believes one of the most important things about memory support for people living with dementia is that people feel known.

“When you feel known, you feel valued,” Ms Taylor said.

“I get all the information I can about a resident from their family, friends, notes and care plan. I take in everything I can and observe them very closely when they first come into the program. So, when we interact or do an activity, they think ‘Oh, this person must know me,’ and that gives them a great sense of comfort.”

The activities are tailored to each resident accordingly such as stamps and files selected for a former secretary to organise, or saddles sourced for a former farmer to condition.

A former boilermaker spends some time dismantling and reassembling piping, nuts and bolts.
(Image supplied)

“People need a reason to do the activity and it needs to be focused on them and meaningful for each person, so it is all very individual care,” Ms Taylor said.

Dana Leraci. (Image supplied)

“There is no patronising or condescension, and I never give them activities where they might feel they have failed. Having purpose, finding meaning, being valued: the way it presents is different and individual, but we all have the same needs.”

Mr Leraci said that having meaningful, purposeful activities in place tailored to what the residents enjoy provides them with a better quality of life and has also led to considerable improvements in clinical aspects.

“We had one lady who came into the program quite frail, unsettled, not eating or drinking, requiring lots of support,” he said. “After about a month, she started eating and drinking independently, she was smiling, and had stopped being really distressed and anxious. The number of falls she was having reduced markedly and we could reduce the medications she was on. Her whole outlook and demeanour really changed.”

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Tags: aged care, calvary, Calvary’s 2024 Star award, Dana Leraci, dementia, montessori, wellbeing,

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