Establishing the ethics of caring
An online survey is asking Australians from all walks of life to consider how a good society provides care. Click here to have your say.
Carers NSW has joined with the Macquarie Group and the St James Ethics Centre to launch an online survey on the ethics of caring in Australia.
The survey builds on the findings of a world-first research project that engaged 50 focus groups from a range of sectors in a ‘national conversation’ on caring.
Begun in April last year, the ‘Who Cares?’ project asked participants to consider the role and form of caring in a ‘good’ society.
The themes covered in the online survey were informed by the research findings from the focus groups.
They include the definition of caring, the burden of responsibility for caring and the concept of a good society.
It comes at a time when the increasing demand for carers and workforce shortages are placing a heavy burden on informal carers.
The President of Carers NSW, Laraine Toms said carers often have to juggle inflexible work commitments with the high costs of formal care.
“With employers facing a skills shortage, can they afford to have skilled carers leaving the workforce because they have no choice other than to care?” she said.
“Is it right that families have no choices because there is no formal care available? Is it right that families have to forgo superannuation in order to care?”
The online survey is open to all Australians. Its findings will lay the foundations for advising government, families, and the community at large about future caring needs.
Click here to participate in the survey.