Head spinning research

NeuRA is currently investigating dizziness and older people. Within three years it aims to answer why some older people experience severe dizzy spells and others do not, while pinpointing a range of effective treatments.

NeuRA researcher, Dr Jasmine Menant, investigates why a trial participant experiences dizziness. Photo by Anne Graham

By Yasmin Noone

Hope is on the horizon for the thousands of older people who experience mild and debilitating dizzy spells, thanks to a new investigation into why the light-headed sensations occur and what can be done to treat them.

The Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) trial, currently underway, will attempt to pinpoint the causes of dizziness in the older population, develop an effective screening tool to diagnose dizziness symptoms and suggest a number of treatment options.

Funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the three-year randomised control trial will also measure the degree to which each of the proposed treatments actually reduce dizziness symptoms, improve function and restore quality of life in the volunteer population.

The NeuRA study will be led by falls expert, Professor Stephen Lord and researcher, Dr Jasmine Menant.

“We know that dizziness is quite common in older people and it can affect their quality of life, dramatically,” said Dr Menant.

“Usually the causes are quite benign and the older person might keep suffering from the symptoms and never get it sorted out.

“So the ultimate aim of this study is to better understand the dizziness [spells] experienced by older people and to provide them with a diagnosis, as there are many causes.”

Dr Menant explained, although there is no specific definition for dizziness, it is often referred to as “a feeling of an altered orientation in space. And that is quite subjective”.

However, she added, it is widely accepted that severe dizziness can be debilitating. It is also generally agreed that between 10 to 30 per cent of older community dwellers have experienced a dizzy spell.

“Most of the time, it is benign. But if dizziness is impairing your quality of life, then you might want to do something about it.”

Dizziness is also associated with an increased risk of falling in older people.

“It can be one vicious circle. If you stop moving around because of the dizziness, your strength and balance may decline and you might be at a greater risk of falling. Or you might suffer from depression on top of that or develop a fear of falling.

“There’s a cascade of events that might follow on from episodes of dizziness.

“Hopefully it is something that we can target quite simply.”

Participation is everything

NeuRA is currently searching for older people to participate in this trial.

Volunteers should be aged 65 and over and living either in the community or a retirement village; have experienced at least two episodes of dizziness in the past year; and not currently undergoing treatment or awaiting assessment for their dizziness.

A commitment of around six months is required.

Participants will be asked to visit the Sydney-based NeuRA headquarters at the start of their involvement for a four-to-five hour baseline assessment where their psychological health, inner-ear function, cardiovascular function, sensory functions, and motor functions will all be tested.

After that, they will be blindly allocated to either a control or intervention group.

“If they are in the control group, they will just go on with their usual life for the next six months,” Dr Menant said. 

“If they are in the intervention group, they will be provided with some treatment therapy for their dizziness symptoms.”

The study will examine the four main types of dizziness: vertigo; pre-syncope; psychogenic and disequilibrium, and consider sensory, psychological and inner-ear function factors.

Treatment interventions include a home exercise program; a sensory program targeting inner ear deficits; cognitive behavioural therapy; or a referral to their geriatrician for further assessment.

Participants will be re-evaluated at the end of their six-month volunteer stint to measure their dizziness symptoms and the effectiveness of the treatment.

NeuRA aims to test around 300 older people over the next three years.

“It’s research. But hopefully, participants in this trial might have the symptoms of their disease resolved.

“They might have a good understanding of what the problem is and what type of intervention they are suited to.

“The study is all volunteer-based…We just appreciate the commitment required to take part.”

For more information or to participate in the trial, call Dr Jasmine Menant on 02 9399 1267 or email j.menant@neura.edu.au

Tags: dizziness, dizzy, falls, menant, neura, nhmrc, stephen-lord,

11 thoughts on “Head spinning research

  1. Hi,
    My age is 66 years old and I have been having dizzy spells continually 24hrs a day, for a period of two years, the only way I am able to control it is by taking medication, Metohexal.


    Ph: (0418330077)

  2. Hi Paul,

    You sound like the perfect participant!
    we are looking for people who:

    * are over 50yrs old
    * suffers from dizziness
    * no neurological conditions

    I will try and call you to see if you meet our criteria and arrange an appointment.

    Research Assistant
    9399 1255

  3. Please can you tel me if Serch tables can help to control nice in ear

  4. Wow, how long has this group been going for? My dizzy spells involves feeling unbalanced. I have had tinnitus on and off for years, I was born deaf and always had tinnitus so it was not a big issue, however the past 10 days have been strange, feeling unbalanced and dizzy and the tinnitus louder, but before that I would turn over in bed and this ‘whoop’ would go around my head. Now I am too scared to drive. I am 78 years old and fairly healthy otherwise.. I have an appointment this morning with a doctor so ??

  5. Hi , I have just experienced my head spinning for the last 2 weeks and have been told to do exercises . Am 51 years – can you help.

  6. I do a one hour exercise class once a week and the last two weeks I have suffered vertigo afterwards for a couple of days. I also have had tinnitus since forever, I am 80 years.

  7. Do you have a similar programme in Melbourne? I live in the city of Richmond Vic. 3121
    I am 78 years old and otherwise very healthy.

  8. I noticed this research was going on in 2012, so I’m wondering if it is now completed and what the results were. I also live in Melbourne and I’m tired of having vertigo from mild to severe with ok periods in between. It would be great to find a treatment that works

  9. I was diagnosed with BPV some 20 years ago. The attacks were initially every 5 or so years apart. But in the past 3 years they have become more severe and frequent. I have no other health issues. In Jan 2020 an attack was so severe I had to be hospitalised. I find Cinnarizine helpful. I am becoming unsteady and so fearful of falling as I have osteoporosis (mild).

  10. Hi there,
    I am at my witts end with dizziness and poor balance particularly after I exercise.
    In 2019, I slippedl flat into my back, saving my head from contact with the wooden floor during a Ballroom Dancing Medal Test. Since then, I feel I have some type of Whiplash left over from the fall, although I have no neck pain. My Mum had Osteoporosis in her Thorasic spine and I have started to ache there, I feel I may have Osteoporosis in my Thorasic spine as well. I am nearly 74 years old and very active, but this dizziness worries me. I don’t trust anyone to treat me, particularly Chiro. and Physio. due to previous bad experiences. The only relief during a dizzy event is to lay down and sometimes sleep comes.

    I hope you have some rehab. ideas for me.

    Thanks and I would be pleased to hear your comments.


  11. Three moths ago I started getting dizzy and I got tinnitus badly on my right ear which is partially deaf and lately have been getting dizzy quite often but luckily I been able to deal with it but as I like to play golf just wondering if that will stop me from playin in the future

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