Free tool to assess facility readiness for COVID-19

MOA Benchmarking has launched a series of self-assessment tools for aged care providers to understand their preparedness for coronavirus.

An aged care quality improvement company has launched a series of self-assessment tools for aged care providers to understand their preparedness for coronavirus.

The COVID-19 Preparedness Tool aims to offer aged care, retirement living and disability providers with insights into the robustness of their service’s infection control policies and practices.

It has been developed by MOA Benchmarking, which is making it available to all providers to access at no cost due to the seriousness of the threat.

It includes a number of self-assessment tools, which MOA Benchmarking said would be updated to reflect any relevant changes about coronavirus as they are announced.

The tools include a coronavirus residential care audit and an infection control spot check.

Providers can view the online resources, learn about regulations, legislation guidelines and better practices.

When using the self-assessment tools, providers can add information and documents to support their response to each question and enter comments.

Upon completion, users will receive real-time benchmarked report that identifies their strengths, risks and opportunities for improvement.

Access the tool here.

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Tags: coronavirus, covid-19, covid-19 preparedness tool, MOA-benchmarking,

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