New joint chair

A major Queensland non-profit organisation will launch a new joint chair in social policy with the University of Queensland.

UnitingCare Queensland will launch a new Chair in Social Policy and Research in partnership with the University of Queensland on 3 June.

Professor Jill Wilson AO, who has an international profile as a researcher in social work and human service, has been appointed the inaugural chair.

Until recently, Professor Wilson was Head of the School of Social Work and Applied Human Sciences at The University of Queensland.

Professor Wilson also has a 30-year association with the Uniting Church, including ten years as Chair of the UnitingCare Queensland Board. 

Professor Wilson said it was a great honour to be the first incumbent in the new position.

“UnitingCare has taken a clear and innovative lead in the non-profit sector in establishing this joint chair with the University of Queensland and in planning to develop a research framework that will ensure that the organisation manages its sustainability into the future by providing services that are responsive and relevant,” she said.

UnitingCare’s CEO, Anne Cross said it was crucial that service delivery be based on evidence.

“The development and implementation of a clear research agenda will enable us to better understand the complex and changing needs of the thousands of people that we help each year and to better tailor our services to meet those needs,” she said.

“We will seek to invest in research that will result in practical outcomes by informing what services we provide across our agencies in the future and how these can provide the best outcomes for our clients.”

The appointment marks the first time that the University of Queensland’s School of Social Work and Applied Human Services has established a joint chair position with a non-profit organisation.

UnitingCare Queensland is responsible for Blue Care and Wesley Mission Brisbane.

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