Parkinson’s seminars

A series of information sessions will be held throughout NSW until June.

A new program has been launched in NSW to provide support and information to people with Parkinson’s disease, along with their partners, carers and families.

The Living with Parkinson’s program will provide expert advice from health professionals in face-to-face seminars and teleconference forums.

“People with Parkinson’s have highlighted the distressing impact of living with this disease,” said the CEO of Parkinson’s NSW, Miriam Dixon.

“Patients reported feelings of social isolation and loneliness,” she said.

“Many reported experiencing emotional stress. Concerns about the future and a lack of knowledge created added stress for both the person diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and their carer.”

The program aims to directly address these issues by providing information that is not usually available from medical practitioners.

Seminars will be held in Armidale, Auburn, Bathurst, Bega, Mittagong, Mona Vale, Parkes, Penrith and Taree between 6 February and 13 June 2009.

Teleconference sessions will be put on for people who are unable to attend the seminars.

“Like the seminars, people in the teleconference groups will hear from specialists about Parkinson’s disease as well as professional and community services to help them live life to the fullest,” Ms Dixon said.

For more information or to register for the program, call Parkinson’s NSW on 1800 644 189.

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