Equipping organisations to identify elder abuse
The Australian Association of Gerontology is hosting a seminar for community service providers to improve their ability to respond to cases of elder abuse.
The Australian Association of Gerontology is hosting a seminar for community service providers to improve their ability to respond to cases of elder abuse.
The event, co-sponsored with the NSW Elder Abuse Helpline and Resource Unit, will include an update on the research evidence on elder abuse and discuss strategies to prevent, identify and respond to abuse.
Brendan Moore from Alzheimer’s Australia NSW will address the forum on financial abuse, the most common form of elder abuse, and the experience and vulnerability of those living with dementia.
Kerry Marshall, manager of the NSW Elder Abuse Helpline and Resource Unit, will discuss the challenges involved in tackling elder abuse in Australia and the role of the unit in NSW. To date, the unit has received over 5,000 calls and delivered education and awareness programs across the state.
Yvonne Lipianin, manager of NSW Health Justice Partnerships with Justice Connect, will present on elder abuse and the law. NSW Health Justice Partnerships aims to combat elder abuse through collaboration between lawyers and health professionals.
Other presenters include Dr Briony Dow, director of NARI, Paul Sadler, CEO of Presbyterian Aged Care NSW & ACT and Melissa Chaperlin, a solicitor with Seniors Rights Service.
Through their direct contact with clients, frontline care workers and home care organisations have an important opportunity to identify suspected abuse when it occurs in the community and to respond to protect older Australians.
The half-day seminar takes place on 27 September in Sydney.
For more information and to register, visit the AAG website.
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