Webinar explores aged care education needs

Macquarie Business School’s Centre for Workforce Futures and SkillsIQ are holding a live online event this week to discuss pathways and tertiary education in aged care.

Macquarie Business School’s Centre for Workforce Futures and SkillsIQ are holding a live online event this week to discuss pathways and tertiary education in aged care.

The expert panel will explore issues raised in the discussion paper Pathways and Tertiary Education in Aged Care, which was produced by the Centre for Workforce Futures (CWF) and SkillsIQ on behalf of the Aged Services Industry Reference Committee.

The discussion will be chaired CWF director Professor Lucy Taksa and include:

  • Professor Marie Herberstein, Macquarie University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor
  • Yasmin King, SkillsIQ CEO
  • Rob Bonner, Aged Care Industry Reference Committee deputy chair and Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation director, operations & strategy
  • Emeritus Professor Gabrielle Meagher.  

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the paper.

The Aged Services IRC is seeking input from aged care organisations and VET and higher education training providers to help determine how  to create seamless transition between education sectors.

A spokesperson for SkillsIQ said it was seeking stakeholder views on job clustering and making it easier for learners and employees to transition from VET to university-level qualifications. 

“We are also seeking feedback to identify ways in which we can improve the mechanisms to recognise previous work experience including lived experience, ” the spokesperson told Australian Ageing Agenda.

“Their views are also critical in looking at how best we can construct VET qualifications that will assist learners and industry in building job roles and pathways whilst at the same time avoiding duplication or hindering the development of qualifications for newly developing job role.”

The webinar takes place on Friday 25 September at 10-11:30am. Register here.

Discussion paper explores nutrition and mealtime experience 

Elsewhere, the Aged Services IRC is seeking feedback from residential aged care providers on he discussion paper Improving the Food, Nutrition and Mealtime Experience in Aged Care

The paper, which was prepared by Just Health Consultants, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association and SkillsIQ on behalf of the Aged Services IRC, also looks at factors impacting the health and social outcomes.  

The consultation is seeking feedback on what can be done to achieve these improvements from a skills perspective and if employers will actively seek the skills.

“We need to hear their feedback to look at how best we can build competencies across all the job roles, from kitchen to table, given the variety of ways that individual workers intersect with their clients’ nutrition and mealtime requirements,” a spokesperson for SkillsIQ told AAA.

The papers are the final two discussion papers developed on behalf of the Aged Services IRC.

Feedback on the two papers is due by Friday 2 October.

Access the papers here.

Email responses to patrick.cummings@skillsiq.com.au

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Tags: aged care training, aged services industry reference committee, centre for workforce futures, education, education in aged care, education-and-training, mealtime experience, nutrition in aged care, skills, SkillsIQ, training, workforce,

1 thought on “Webinar explores aged care education needs

  1. With it being difficult for residents to get to different events & training programs it requires more adaptability from educators approaching aged care centres & aged care centres seeking out external providers.

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