ACAT briefing on transition to My Aged Care
The Department of Health is hosting a live webinar on the transition of Aged Care Assessment Teams to using the full functionality of My Aged Care today.

The Department of Health is hosting a live webinar on the transition of Aged Care Assessment Teams to using the full functionality of My Aged Care today at 2pm AEDT.
ACATs involved in the early implementation and piloting of the transition will share their experiences of using the new electronic system for assessment and referral of services for home care packages, transition care and residential aged care as part of a panel discussion.
A system demonstration of completing an assessment using the National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF), finalising a support plan and completing the delegation process in the assessor portal, will also be provided.
Online viewers can contribute to the conversation by submitting questions for the panellists and comments on the day via the Livechat facility.
It was originally expected that ACATs in each jurisdiction would transition to the My Aged Care system by the end of 2015. The ACAT transition will now commence from 1 February. Transition dates for each state and territory can be viewed on the department’s website.
The webinar will take place today, 21 January at 2pm AEDT.
For more information click here