Consultation underway on aged care diversity action plans
The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia is inviting providers, culturally and linguistically diverse consumers and carers to have their say on building a more inclusive aged care system.

The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia is inviting providers, culturally and linguistically diverse consumers and carers to have their say on building a more inclusive aged care system.
The consultation will inform the development of an action plan for older people from CALD backgrounds, which will underpin the Aged Care Diversity Framework released by the Minister for Aged Care Ken Wyatt in December.
The Federal Government is developing individual action plans targeting the particular barriers and challenges faced by older people from CALD communities, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex seniors and older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The action plans are due to be completed by May 2018.
To enable consumers and providers to participate in the development of the CALD action plan, FECCA has been conducting consultations with wide groups of stakeholders from CALD backgrounds, said FECCA chairperson Mary Patetsos.
Consumers and providers are also encouraged to participate in online surveys to provide feedback on issues such as improving access to aged care services, managing language barriers, capturing the needs of new and emerging older CALD groups and responsibility for the delivery of the diversity framework.
The consumer surveys are also available to complete in the following languages: Chinese; Arabic; Vietnamese; Greek; Italian; Serbian; Croatian; Bosnian.
“FECCA invites everybody with a stake in these important issues to have their say by completing these surveys before the deadline of 15 March 2018,” Ms Patetsos said
FECCA is a member of the aged care sector committee diversity subgroup that is working with government to develop the action plans.
“The framework represents an important step towards a more inclusive future for aged care services,” Ms Patetsos said.
For more information, click here.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander action plan
The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health is leading the development of the action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, in collaboration with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO).
The two organisations are encouraging consumers, aged care providers and peak organisations to complete an online survey to share their views on the needs of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The survey will be open until 26 February. Click here to participate.
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