Federal government launches review into wellness and reablement in home care
The Department of Health has commissioned consultancy firm Nous Group to examine the adoption of wellness and reablement in all government-funded home care programs.

The Department of Health has commissioned consultancy firm Nous Group to examine the adoption of wellness and reablement in all government-funded home care programs.
The review, which will run from March to June, aims to support the ongoing implementation of these approaches in the sector, which are key goals of both home care packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Program.
As part of the review, home care providers will be encouraged to take part in an anonymous self-assessment tool to help build a map of sector maturity and support further change in the sector.
By providing a snapshot of sector maturity, the review will support the government to track progress over time, said Nous Group.
The review will provide advice to the department on current practices in wellness and reablement, key barriers to implementation and what further assistance may be required for providers to embed these approaches.
Consultations will take place with service providers, consumers, assessors and health professionals via a range of methods including workshops in every state and territory, focus groups with consumer advocates and experienced practitioners, a self-assessment survey for providers and consumer survey.
A dedicated website has also been launched to provide information on the review and facilitate feedback and the sharing of resources.
Nous said it aimed to understand how implementation of these approaches varied across the sector, and would take these differences into account when writing up its final recommendations for government.
“To inform the review, we will partner with the sector to listen and learn from its significant experience. We also want to hear the voices of all consumers and stakeholder groups so that all concerns and aspirations are taken into account,” said Nous.
For more information, visit the review website here.
Register for workshops and focus groups here.
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