Learning to work better in partnership
Deakin University has developed a free online course for care workers and health professionals on the benefits of implementing a partnership model in the care of older people.
Deakin University has developed a free online course for care workers and health professionals on the benefits of implementing a partnership model in the care of older people.
The course run over two weeks explores the importance of collaborative approaches in aged care and demonstrates how the model can be used to ensure services are more responsive to the needs and preferences of older people.
The course has been designed for formal and informal carers and health professionals and is led by Deakin School of Nursing and Midwifery Professor Alison Hutchinson.
Deakin University researchers and teaching staff produced the partnership model in collaboration with aged care health professionals. The model has been implemented in numerous public and private, metropolitan and rural aged care settings.
The course will also assist participants to develop a person-centred care plan and implement practical strategies for creating better relationships between clients, families and healthcare teams.
Take part in the ‘Caring for Older People: a Partnership Model’ online course via the FutureLearn website.