Taking the next step in embedding reablement
Aged care providers, allied health professionals and researchers are gearing up to discuss the latest evidence and practice in wellness, reablement and restorative care at next week’s Active Ageing Conference.
Aged care providers, allied health professionals and researchers are gearing up to discuss the latest evidence and practice in wellness, reablement and restorative care at next week’s Active Ageing Conference.
The one-day conference taking place in Melbourne will showcase leading examples of enabling approaches as well as highlight research developments in the field of active ageing.
Wellness and reablement is now an explicit policy goal in aged care programs, which means providers must adapt their services and workforce to successfully deliver these approaches.
Covering themes such as measuring outcomes and partnering with others, the conference will give providers working in residential and community settings new ideas to advance their practice and learn from others.
Ahead of the conference, being hosted by Australian Ageing Agenda and Community Care Review, the event’s speakers have been discussing key lessons for best practice in wellness and reablement.
Seniors empowered by challenging, adventurous activities
From traversing high ropes to stand-up paddle boarding, older people are open to and benefit from trying new and challenging physical activities, says researcher Dr Liz Cyarto.
At the conference, Dr Cyarto will share the outcomes and research findings from her work trialling outdoor programs with seniors.
“We have done a few camps over the last couple of years and the main message is people realising that their capacity for learning new things and having the physical abilities to do them is surprising to them.”
She says these projects embody positive ageing and challenge the stereotype that camp activities are only for young people.
Overall, camp participants received a boost in their confidence from being able to face challenges and they also connected with nature and their fellow campers, says Dr Cyarto. (Read more here)
Care worker-led exercise program embeds wellness in home support
An innovative wellness program piloted in the Commonwealth Home Support Program is delivering positive results for both clients and staff, says Michele Smith, manager of the Brisbane North PHN community care program.
The Active@Home program is an 18-week strength and balance in-home exercise program that uses personal care workers as exercise facilitators and motivators to improve functional outcomes for clients.
The model piloted by a consortium of 14 CHSP providers led by Brisbane North PHN embedded exercise into regular scheduled visits with consumers.
Ms Smith says the pilot demonstrates how a wellness model can be implemented in the CHSP. By utilising personal care workers in the day-to-day delivery of the exercise program, there are also benefits for the cost effectiveness and sustainability of the program, she says.
Ms Smith will discuss the project’s findings as part of a panel on the importance of partnerships to deliver active ageing. (Read more here)
Global scorecard on reablement shows positive results for Australia
Australia has the potential to lead the world in embedding a reablement approach in aged care policy and practice, says Ricki Smith, the CEO of Access Care Network Australia.
Ms Smith, who is delivering a plenary presentation, has just returned from a six-week study tour of New Zealand, London, Wales and Denmark to observe international reablement models.
Her research, undertaken as part of a Churchill Fellowship, is studying how Australia compares to other countries on four key factors – evidence, practice, policy and culture.
Ms Smith says introducing a reablement phase before referral for ongoing services is a goal Australia should be working towards and current funding arrangements act as a disincentive to broad adoption of reablement among providers. (Read more here)
Helping older people tap their full potential
People living with dementia have a lot of untapped potential, says aged care Montessorian Sue Mark.
In her role at Montessori Ageing Support Services, Ms Mark provides training and support to aged care organisations working towards creating Montessori environments that aim to bring out this potential.
In an interactive session, Ms Mark will demonstrate how Montessori is being used in different settings and how to overcome potential barriers. (Read more here)
The Active Ageing Conference 2017 takes place on 30 August at the Bayview Eden, Melbourne. Visit the conference website to access the full program and register