Arthritis Awareness Week until Saturday April 12

The theme is ‘Arthritis – It’s your move.’
In conjunction with Arthritis Awareness Week, and to inform sufferers of the options open to them, new information sheets have been released based on the latest research.

In partnership with the Australian Rheumatology Association, Arthritis Australia has produced an up-to-date and comprehensive set of information sheets to help sufferers make informed decisions about health care and help with self management of their condition.

Based on the latest research, including the Cochrane Collaboration’s systematic reviews, the sheets were written by a wide range of health professionals, including physiotherapists, rheumatologists, general practitioners and pharmacists. Consumers were involved in every step of the development of the information sheets, providing direction for the range of topics covered in the collection as well as reviewing the sheets to ensure they were accessible for people with varying levels of health literacy and knowledge about arthritis.

There are sheets on all the common forms of arthritis as well as rarer forms such as psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia and polymyalgia rheumatica with some information provided in Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Italian and Vietnamese.

For a free information pack call the Arthritis Info line on 1800 678 988 (toll free). All of the materials are also available for download from Arthritis Australia’s website –

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