Welcome to Australian Ageing Agenda’s extensive coverage of the 2015-16 Federal Budget, handed down by Treasurer Joe Hockey last night.
On this page you will find links to all our Budget articles, which provide highlights of the major measures and changes to aged care policies and programs, as well as stakeholder reaction.
Workforce hit with fund cut, tax change: Providers and unions critical of two measures in last night’s Budget which they say will have negative ramifications for the sector’s already significant workforce challenge.
ACAR to end in move to market system in home care: The Aged Care Approvals Round for home care packages will be abolished with funding to be allocated directly to consumers rather than providers from February 2017, the Federal Government announced in Tuesday’s Budget, paving the way for a significant shake-up of the home care sector.
Changes to accreditation, restorative care, healthy ageing grants: The Federal Budget contained several changes to aged care policies and programs, from the opening up of the accreditation process to private operators to changes to the healthy ageing grants.
New moves on old saga of independent complaints scheme: Last night’s Federal Budget contained a surprise measure that should bring to a close the long-running industry campaign for a complaints investigation scheme that is independent of the department.
Call for aged care to be part of opt-out e-health trials: Aged care should be a key participant in the health department’s trials of an opt-out e-health record system but further investment is still needed to ensure older Australians benefit from digital health, sector representatives have said following measures in the Federal Budget.