Case management skills on the rise in aged care

AUDIO: Certification among Australia’s aged care case managers is increasing with a number of providers moving to formally skill up their workers, the Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand told the NEWSROOM at ACSA National Conference.

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Brought to you by the NEWSROOM

AUDIO: Certification among Australia’s aged care case managers is increasing with a number of providers making moves to formally skill up their workers, according to national registration and regulatory body Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand (CMSA).

Speaking to the NEWSROOM at ACSA National Conference in Adelaide last week, CMSA board member Scott Truman said over 800 case managers have completed the training with approximately 90 people registered as certified in the national database, most of whom come from aged care.

Listen here to Mr Truman telling Natasha Egan about the certification process, while industry consultant Lorraine Poulos explains its relevance to consumer directed care and the aged care reforms:

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Tags: ACSAconf2014, case-management, lorraine-poulos, newsroom, scott-truman,

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