Consumer contributions impacting low level packages
AUDIO: The recent ACFA report has highlighted that a change in dynamics between the consumer and community aged care provider is underway, following the introduction of greater consumer contributions.
AUDIO: The recent report from the Aged Care Financing Authority has highlighted that a change in dynamics between the consumer and community aged care provider is underway, following the introduction of greater consumer contributions to the cost of care.
Lorraine Poulos, well-known community care consultant and advisor, said consumer contributions appeared to be having an impact on low level packages.
“For instance if I’m a self-funded retiree, I may have to contribute up to $27 per day for my package care. If I’m only getting three or four hours a week, I’m going to look at what value I’m getting for my $200-plus a week that I’m contributing,” she told the NEWSROOM during the ACSA National Conference.
Ms Poulos said that providers were starting to experience vacancies on their package programs. “One provider has told me that out of the 80 people on their wait list, they have analysed 90 per cent are self-funded retirees, and that in fact they cannot continue providing the low level in package care that they have been… You might have a client with one or two hours, and if they’re not contributing to care that’s not a problem, and you might be giving another person eight or nine hours, because you are pool funding. With the increase in contribution from consumers, I don’t think the market will bear that.”
Click below to hear Lorraine Poulos speak to AAA’s Natasha Egan:
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