Study unpacks experiences of home care packages

Home care recipients have told researchers they sometimes have to fight to get their provider to deliver services they are due because of staff shortages.

Home care recipients have told researchers they sometimes have to fight to get their provider to deliver services they are due, describing it as “a battle” and “like pulling teeth”.

Dr Sarah Russell

The government-commissioned study published in the Australasian Journal on Ageing interviewed 37 Home Care Package (HCP) recipients between September and November 2018.

Participants were asked a series of questions relating to their degree of satisfaction with their HCP, including how they went about getting their services, how they identified providers, whether services were meeting their needs and about the staff who came to their home.

It builds on an earlier study released last year.

The current research, Consumer experiences of home care packages, says tighter regulation of providers, attention to fees and minimal standards of training would result in more positive consumer experiences.

Lead researcher Sarah Russell, Principal Researcher at Melbourne-based Research Matters, says the interviews highlight many of the problems plaguing home care, including price gauging and poor quality and continuity of care.

“The major problems in home care in my opinion at the moment are that providers taking a very large slice for administration and case management but they’re not providing good case management,” she told Community Care Review.

“Many of the people I interviewed had not even met their case manager. They are sending inexperienced untrained people into homes, some people tell me they see someone different nearly every day.

“I think home care needs to be much better regulated and there needs to be more rules around what providers can and should do.”

Common themes

Participants who had satisfactory experiences reported common themes, the study found.

  • Providers charged reasonable fees
  • Case managers delivered person-centred care
  • Consistently assigned support workers
  • Support and advocacy from family
  • Community engagement.

But there were also common threads among the complaints.

Respondents said it was difficult to get information from My Aged Care and described their home care agreements as “long and complicated”, with some admitting to signing without understanding what they were agreeing to, and choosing providers purely on the basis of cost.

One participant said she was offered a new vacuum cleaner as an incentive for signing up, others complained about misleading advertisements, and some providers were unable to provide services promised because of staff shortages.

Another older person was advised by hospital staff to go to a larger provider because small ones were likely to “go broke”. However respondents also said they found smaller organisations provided better and more person-centered care.

‘Price gouging’

The study found fees ranged from nine per cent to 53 per cent of the government subsidy, with some clients being charged up to $500 a month for case management and administration. Hourly fees for support workers ranged from $39 to $65 per hour.

One participant on a level 4 package received only 14 hours of personal support a week, leading to the perception that the money was going straight to the provider’s pocket.

“Findings indicated large differences among providers in both case management and administration fees and also hourly rates for support workers. This may indicate differences in the health needs of the older person and the complexity of providing case management and support.

“Alternatively, it may suggest overcharging,” the report says.

Dr Russell said there was “no question” that “financial gouging” was occurring in the sector.

Full cost recovery

The research also suggests that the policy of full cost recovery under the HCP program is preventing older people from being involved in as many social activities as they would have wanted, as they tended to prioritise funds for more immediate needs.

“This policy may result in older people on higher-level packages having limited access to social and community activities that were delivered by CHSP which in turn can increase social isolation,” the researchers write.

The research says rather than HCPs being capped, packages should be funded to reflect individual needs.

This would eliminate having to choose between allied health, personal care, home care, home modifications and social support, the study says.

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Tags: home-care-packages, home-care-providers, news-ccr-2, research-matters, sarah-russell,

4 thoughts on “Study unpacks experiences of home care packages

  1. Did we need a study to find this out? No. Most people are stating that HCP’s charge unreasonable administration costs off the top. Do we need to regulate the amount that can be charged per hour? $65ph seems excessive especially if that rate is applied to travel time as well.Once again, a monumental waste of time and money. When will this government understand that the money needs to go to the aged person and not the dozen people standing in front holding out their hand???

  2. The concept of taylor finances to individual needs of the person requiring care is what’s necessary. I am a full time carer for my advanced stage dementia suffering wife. She has level 4 package plus dementia supplement. As I myself (waiting for level 2 package) suffer from mobility impairment (morbid obesity, rheumatoid artritis and damaged knees) it is paramount to me, that support carrers could take over my wife’s daily bathroom routines, provide house cleaning, garden and house maintenance, as well as occasionall respite for my doctor’s appointments. At 55$/h for services and over $500/mth in fees, after adding costs of incontinence products and gastric tube feeding foods and consumables, there is no funds left to assist us in evening bedtime routines, which entirely fall on me, as well as cover costs of hiring specialised lifting and sitting equipment, which we need urgently right now. As my wife’s dementia affected mostly her speech, movement and cognitive abilities but sparing her mind and assertiveness, she would be devastated having to move to the facility. As we both are on Centerlink pensions it will be impossible to finance theese costs ourselfs. In our case taylor funds to suit our situation would be the only option to stay home.

  3. I was full time carer for my wife who was suffering terminal cancer, she was assessed as requiring high care and approved for level 4 home care package, after waiting 15 months she received a level 2 interim package.
    During this 15 month waiting period we had to purchase equipment which included Mobility Walker, shower chair, mobile commode chair, wheel chair and borrowed a hospital bed ( electric adjustable), also our bathroom required modifying to enable access to shower, plus we had to purchase bulk supplies of continence aids (part subsidised) , and food suppliments.
    All these costs impacted our pension savings.
    When the level 2 package became available it enabled my wife to get assistance with showers 2-3 times per week, but by accessing a self managed care provider we managed to get assistance 5 per week and help with continence aids and food suppliment costs.
    This assistance was welcome but I felt let down by a system that failed to provide help when we really needed it.
    After 2 years wait I received a letter advising that her level 4 package was now available, I received this letter 16 days after my wife passed away.

  4. I have just got a level 2 package and I am shocked at the way these packages are handled by the providers. It’s a licence to print money for them. The basic idea of the package is good but the only person who gains from it is the provider. My provider was so slack getting the signed paperwork to aged care in time I received a letter saying we were no longer on the list. Finally we were reinstated after many terse phone calls from me. I went for non-for-profit provider signed off in Dec now end Jan nothing happened yet. There should be a full blown inquiry into the whole system of my aged care providers most who take advantage of the people because we are old.

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