Developing an IT vision for aged care

The annual Aged Care Informatics Symposium in August will focus on future directions.

The organisers of the annual Aged Care Informatics Symposium are inviting researchers, IT experts and industry insiders to submit a paper or report for this year’s conference.

The 2009 forum will focus on developing a vision for aged care informatics in Australia and beyond.

Plenary speakers and conference presentations will need to address the ‘Vision’ theme, by highlighting the advances in the field or showcasing potential future directions.

Possible topics include assistive technologies in independent living and aged care, falls prevention and engaging older people and carers in the adoption of technology.

The organisers are also interested in discussions about technology solutions that improve safety and quality in aged care.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday, 19 August in Canberra, in conjunction with the Health Informatics Conference (HIC) 2009.

Expressions of interest must be submitted by Friday, 15 May and the research papers will be due on Monday, 15 June.

Successful presenters will be notified by the end of June and they will need to submit their final presentations by Wednesday, 15 July.

Click here for more information, including formatting requirements for submitted papers.

Tags: health-informatics-conference, informatics, it,

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