Dutch expert backs Benevolent plans

The creator of the ‘apartments for life’ model has lent support to the Benevolent Society in its bid to emulate his model in Sydney.

A Humanitas ‘apartments for life’ facility in Rotterdam.

Visiting Dutch expert Dr Hans Becker has elent support to the Benevolent Society’s plans to emulate his apartments for life model at a proposed development in Sydney’s Bondi.

Dr Becker developed the model in Holland to enable older people to remain living in their own apartment, regardless of their care requirements.

Today there are over 1,700 apartments for life complexes in Holland, which feature public bars, restaurants, internet cafes and museums.

“I know nobody who [wants] to end in a nursing home – nobody,” Dr Becker told the ABC’s 7.30 Report. “But what can you do to make it better? And then I changed the philosophy.

“The ultimate goal is happiness. How can I realise that they are happy?”

Dr Becker was in Australia to speak at a retirement communities conference in Sydney.

The Benevolent Society hopes its apartments for life block will cater to a wide range of clients.

“What we want to reflect on this site is the differences within the surrounding community,” said the organisation’s CEO, Richard Spencer.

“You’ve got people who do own a home and who can sell and relocate into the project. Then we’re going to have those people [who] have virtually nothing.

“They will pay a proportion of their pension.”

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