Education events: a roundup
News of some occasional and one-off educational events being hosted around Australia in the coming month.
Curated by Keryn Curtis
Here are some recent new additions to the aged care education agenda, coming up soon:
Gretel Killeen
• Free interactive workshop – Sex in the Seniors – with Gretel Killeen
RSL Care is hosting a free interactive workshop entitled ‘Sex in the Seniors’ on Tuesday November 20, hosted by Australian author, media personality and former Big Brother host, Gretel Killeen. The workshop is a special pre-conference event, part of the Australian Association of Gerontology National Conference (AAG) [20-23 Nov] at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The workshop is being run along similar lines to the ABC television program, Q&A. Panellists will include Dr Cindy Jones, a researcher in sexuality and older people from Griffith University, representatives from the heterosexual and the GLBT community , as well as a senior aged care manager.
RSL Care Executive Manager, Service Delivery, Luke Greive says the aim of the workshop is to open up discussion on the diversity of sexuality in older people in residential aged care, in line with the Government’s Living Longer Living Better initiatives to improve support and access to services for older Australians from diverse backgrounds, including people from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community. “We want open dialogue, not a closed door, about what works well – and doesn’t work well – in better supporting the physical and emotional needs of our all our clients,” he said.
The free workshop is being held from 1.30pm to 3.30pm and only 35 places are available. To secure a place, go to the RSL Care website at, complete the registration form on the home page and email it to by Friday November 16. A twitter hash tag will be available for those wishing to comment, share and follow the event.
• Tips for Tender Writing in Community Care – a series of one day workshops
The next 3 years of the Aged Care Approval Round will offer an unprecedented number of community care places and the competition for them will be strong. Experienced aged care manager, consultant and trainer, Lorraine Poulos, has developed a workshop program specifically targeting the skills required to be successful in winning tenders for community care places. The course includes knowledge about the new model of community care and government expectations of providers; advice on ‘what works’ based on previous funding rounds; and practical tips on writing and preparation. The workshop is designed for managers, team leaders, tender writers, and case managers. For more information and registration forms, go to [training].
Sydney : 15 November – Harbour Room, The Portside Centre, Level 5, 207 Kent St, Sydney
Melbourne: 22 November – Central West Business Park, Medicare Local office, 9 Ashley St Footscray
Adelaide: 23 November – Legends Room, Morphetville Junction, 470 Anzac Highway, Camden Park
Brisbane: 29 November – Niche Eventspaces, 433 Logan Road, Stones Corner
• NSW/ACT Dementia Training & Study Centre (DTSC) Workshop – Dementia Research and Practice
The NSW/ACT Dementia Training Study Centre (DTSC) and the Dementia Collaborative Research Centres (DCRC) are presenting a day of workshops and presentations for health professionals, aged and dementia care service providers and architects in Newcastle on 13 November. The event, featuring six speakers, will present a range of topics including improving the physical environment for people with dementia; pain recognition and management; and encouraging humour through the use of professional performers (Elder Clowns) and trained staff (Laughter Bosses) to reduce agitation in people with dementia. It’s also an opportunity for participants to put forward their ideas on the direction future dementia research should take.
The event will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Newcastle, Corner of Merewether St and Wharf Rd, Newcastle. Day registration – $99; half-day registration – $50 (incl GST). For details and registration: Any questions, call Ruth Lilian (02) 9385 2702 or email Registrations close: Friday 9 November, 2012.
• Certificate II in Understanding and Management of Diabetes.
Aged Care Online has teamed with Diabetes College to promote a Certificate II course in Understanding & Management of Diabetes. Written by international health author, Ian P McAllister, it is currently the only course about diabetes to be nationally accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
The 18-22 week course consists of four individual modules offered via distance learning and will be available online in 2013. Topics include principles of diabetes (module 1); how to manage diabetes (module 2); prevention, complications and care of diabetes (module 3); and cardiovascular care for people with diabetes (module 4). All activities and assessments can be completed in workshops or at home for flexible, self-paced learning.
For full course information and enrolment visit
• Study Tours 2013
Registrations are open for two overseas study tours with the Sage Tours group. The 2013 program includes:
SAGE UK 5th – 15th May 2013
Explore innovative approaches to consumer directed care in the United Kingdom. Tour includes attendance at the National Care Forum 20th Anniversary Congress in Nottingham. This tour takes in innovative care providers in the United Kingdom who have adapted their delivery and service models to be more consumer directed, in a similar regulatory framework and a meeting with the National Care Forum – a peak body representing the interests of NFP care providers in the United Kingdom. Sage tour managers say this tour would suit CEOs and facility managers, particularly those in the NFP sector, looking to gain fresh insights into care delivery for their organisations.
Visit to register your expression of interest .
SAGE USA 18th – 29th May 2013
This US tour, taking in South Carolina, Washington and New York, focuses on emerging technology and IT solutions and includes attendance at a seminar at CAST (Center for Aging Services Technology) in Washington. CAST is an international coalition of more than 400 technology companies, aging services organisations, research universities, and government representatives which aims to lead in developing, evaluating and adopting emerging technologies that improve the ageing experience.
Visit for registration and other details.