Feedback wanted on Support at Home pricing

IHACPA is seeking input to develop the pricing framework for its advice on in-home service costs.

The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority is calling on aged care workers, providers, peak bodies and other stakeholders to share their views on the service list pricing for the new in-home care program.

After many delays, Support at Home is due to combine and replace the current Home Care Packages Program and Short-Term Restorative Care Program from 1 July 2025 with the new Aged Care Act, with the aim of helping older Australians to live independently at home for longer with the support services they need.

Consultation closes 25 October

IHACPA has recently released a consultation paper that will inform the development of the pricing framework used to develop initial pricing advice for the Support at Home service list for 2025-26.

The consultation covers:

  • pricing policy principles 
  • data and information requirements 
  • development of unit prices for the Support at Home service list 
  • pricing methodology and indexation 
  • price benchmarking and adjustments.

To help inform its advice, IHACPA is seeking input from aged care providers, people working in aged care, peak bodies and governments as well as aged care recipients, their representatives, families and carers.

“Input from the aged care community will ensure our advice is representative of the diversity of aged care services, and meets the unique needs and challenges faced by in-home care recipients and providers,” said IHACPA chair David Tune.

David Tune

As more information on the cost of delivering services becomes available, including through ongoing research and the input of stakeholders, IHACPA has pledged to hone its pricing advice and delve into future priorities while the Department of Health and Aged Care will remain responsible for aged care policy, including the funding of in-home support services, as system operators.  

“We want to listen to the issues that are important to the sector to build our understanding and ensure our advice results in the most accurate and fair pricing that reflects the true cost of delivering safe and quality in-home aged care services,” said Mr Tune.
Pricing approach for the Support at Home service list 2025-26 consultation paper is available online and in PDF. The consultation closes period closes 5pm AEDT 25 October 2024.  

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Tags: aged-care, david tune, government, home care, IHACPA, policy, pricing, Support at Home,

1 thought on “Feedback wanted on Support at Home pricing

  1. Done… so important to contribute to the pricing conversation. I am particuarly focused on pricing for counselling or psychotherapy, our first opportunity to have some impact, influence or voice in this service.

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