Forum on older people’s rights

Older people in Sydney will get the chance to learn about their rights at a forum on Monday, 10 November.

The aged care psychiatry service at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney is hosting a forum on older people’s rights.

The event will feature an expert panel, introduced by retired MLC, Ann Symonds and the Director of South East Sydney Mental Health, Associate Professor Beth Kotze, which will provide answers to frequently asked questions among older people.

Topics covered throughout the day will include deciding when it is no longer safe to drive and evaluating the benefits and risks of appointing an enduring power of attorney.

“Memory and other thinking functions can gradually slip with age but this does not necessarily mean a person loses capacity to make decisions, to appoint a power of attorney and guardian or to make a will,” said Professor Henry Brodaty from Prince of Wales Hospital.

Professor Robert Hayes will provide information about the legal safeguards to prevent older people from being forced to undertake treatment or enter a nursing home against their best interests.

Rights around accommodation, finances and Centrelink will also be discussed.

“We hope that this Forum will give older people an opportunity to dispel their concerns in this area. Older people living in the community are especially welcome,” said Mr Brodaty.

The forum will be held between 10am and 1pm on Monday, 10 November at the Easts Leagues Club, Spring St, Bondi Junction.

If you wish to attend, it is essential to RSVP, by calling Filomena Romano on 02 9382 3753.

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