“Full support” for SAGE

ACSA has formally agreed to get behind the international study tour program.

Members of the SAGE USA Tour 2008 in Washington DC

Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) has formally agreed to join the SAGE international study tour consortium.

The collaboration was begun by Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) and Thomson Adsett Architects to give aged care professionals insights into international care delivery.

Three tours have run since 2006, taking delegates to China, the Netherlands, Malta and the United States of America.

ACSA CEO Greg Mundy said the association strongly supported the principles behind the tours.

“We have always thought that international contacts and collaboration are valuable things to have,” said Mr Mundy.

“The only reason we didn’t join SAGE in the first place was that we wanted to explore some more independent travel options but we didn’t have the resources to do that ourselves and we have had positive feedback from some of our members who have gone on SAGE Tours.”

ACSA’s involvement in the partnership will begin after September’s Canada tour which will include the International Federation on Ageing conference and facilities tours in Montreal and Toronto.

ACAA CEO, Rod Young said he was delighted that the initiative now had a whole-of-industry approach.

“It’s excellent that the two industry bodies are cooperating around these overseas study tours under the Sage umbrella,” he said.

SAGE Coordinator, Judy Martin from Thomson Adsett also welcomed the decision.

“It shows that there is full support of the SAGE initiative and the professionalism of the tour,” said Ms Martin.

“It has always been open to everyone in the industry but this just shows even more that Australians are happy to go overseas and benchmark against best practice around the world.”

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