Get started on CDC in residential now, sector advised

AUDIO: It might be a decade before consumer directed care is fully-realised in residential aged care, but providers should be preparing now, starting with a comprehensive review of their capacity, says industry advisor Heath Shonan.

Health Shonan
Health Shonhan

AUDIO: It might be a decade before consumer directed care is fully-realised in residential aged care, but providers should be preparing now, starting with a comprehensive review of their capacity, says an industry advisor.

As Australian Ageing Agenda recently reported, a government-commissioned report has backed the rollout of consumer directed care to residential aged care, but identified the need for a common model to be developed followed by provider-led trials.

Heath Shonhan, director health and ageing with business advisory firm Bentleys, told the Leading Aged Services Australia National Congress that providers needed to start thinking about CDC in the residential environment now.

Providers should look at customer touch points, financially quantify business as usual and involve the consumer in service design, Mr Shonhan told the conference last week.

Mr Shonhan said that providers should also look to digital disruptors such as Airbnb and Uber for service inspiration and to the Aged Care Sector Statement of Principles developed by the Aged Care Sector Committee for insight into future reforms.

Following his presentation, Mr Shonhan spoke with AAA’s Natasha Egan to give a snapshot of CDC in residential and advice on getting started:

Photo: Peak Multimedia

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Tags: bentleys, CDC in residential care, health-shonan, LASA 2015,

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