The Federal Government has opened the competitive selection process for up to $115 million in Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) growth funding over two years.
New and existing service providers will have six weeks to submit their applications to the Department of Health, with funding expected to commence from February 2017.
Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ken Wyatt said the growth funding round would specifically target identified priority areas under the CHSP to address existing gaps in home support services across planning regions for identified client groups.
“We’ve consulted widely with the health and aged care sectors, national peak organisations, state and local governments to identify where the gaps are in service delivery,” Minister Wyatt said.
“These can vary, depending on local needs and the availability of local services. Priority will be given to applications that address these service gaps.”
The government is targeting three CHSP sub-programs and 13 service types including meals, transport, goods, equipment and assistive technology and specialised support services.
Mr Wyatt said the funding round provided an opportunity for new players to enter the market or for existing providers to expand their services.
Grant applications close 29 November.
Visit the Department of Health website for more information.
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