Industry collaboration will guide implementation of workforce reform
The three aged care peaks are setting up a new leadership group to oversee the implementation of the sector’s workforce strategy.

The three major aged care peaks are setting up a leadership group to oversee the implementation of the sector’s workforce strategy.
The Aged Care Guild, Aged & Community Services Australia and Leading Age Services Australia are committed to establishing the Aged Care Workforce Industry Council, the peaks said in a joint statement on Wednesday.
The Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce led Professor John Pollaers recommended in its report A matter of care that a council made up of industry chief executives be formed to transition the industry and workforce to new standards.
The council should bring the peaks together to enable strategic leadership across the industry to accelerate implementation of the strategy in a coordinated way, according to the report.
To support the implementation of the strategy, the council announced by the peak bodies today will feature core groups on:
- program governance, which will be made up of provider CEOs representing the sector across service type, ownership model and location
- program advisory, which will include the three provider peaks and other key stakeholder groups, such as those representing consumers and unions.
The peaks said the council was necessary to ensure the strategy empowered the whole industry to improve and maximised benefits for consumers and the workforce.

ACSA CEO Pat Sparrow said the peaks were committed to delivering lasting cultural change that better met the aspirations of consumers.
“By establishing the council, we will enable strategic leadership across the sector and accelerate coordinated implementation of the strategy,” Ms Sparrow said.
LASA CEO Sean Rooney said all in the industry had to work together to support workforce transformation and realise the full potential of the strategy.
“This council will provide a platform for industry engagement, working to ensure the design and rollout of the recommended actions are practical, relevant and adequately resourced, to drive meaningful change,” Mr Rooney said.
Aged Care Guild CEO Matthew Richter said the strategy had already achieved key milestones, but had more to do.
“The establishment of the Industry Accord on the Remote Aged Care Workforce, which provides an amplified voice for service providers in remote areas, with the formation of the Aged Services Industry Reference Committee, are important first steps,” Mr Richter said.
A spokesperson for the peaks said the council would meet for the first time on 12 February to consider the membership of the groups and the program for future work.
More information on the strategy is available here and a pdf of the taskforce’s final report is available here.
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