Lights, camera…$500 cash prize?

This year’s ACSA National Conference will include a short film festival with two cash prizes up for grabs.

Budding film-makers who work in the aged and community care sector are being encouraged to produce short films with a focus on their industry.

This year’s ACSA [Aged and Community Services Australia] National Conference will feature a short film competition with two $500 cash prizes.

The conference’s theme is ‘Get up, stand up!’ and the competition’s organisers are looking for films that challenge current thinking about aged care.

Films will be accepted in two categories: a two-minute snapshot and a five-minute mini-documentary.

A $500 prize will be offered to the winner of each category and each winner will receive an item to assist them in their workplace.

The finalists’ films will be screened in the main conference room and the exhibition hall throughout the exhibition.

The winners will be announced and screened at the end of the conference.

The ACSA National Conference will be held in Perth from 13-16 September.

Expressions of interest for the short film competition must be sent to  by Monday, 9 March 2009.

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