Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Click here for a short review of the year that has been and details about next year’s news.

This will be the last e-newsletter from Australian Ageing Agenda in 2008. Our first full year of online news has been an exciting one and, judging by the feedback we have received, you have appreciated it too.
In many ways it has been a tumultuous 12 months.
Early in 2008, there were widespread warnings and worries about the continuation of the Continual Adjustment Payment and the Commonwealth Government kept everyone guessing until Budget week.
The concerns kept coming with a grim report from Grant Thornton and then some leading providers announced that they were handing back provisional bed licences.
Despite all this, in a way, we seem to be back where we started – which suggests another big year in 2009.
Our e-news service will re-commence in the week beginning 5 January and we look forward to delivering the latest and most important news again.
But in the meantime, we hope you enjoy a fun, safe and (hopefully) relaxing Festive Season and a happy New Year.
With best wishes from the team at AAA.