More evacuations as flood chaos continues

Queensland’s devastating floods are keeping aged care providers on their toes

Above: Flooded Street in Ipswich, west of Brisbane

By Yasmin Noone

As the flooding disaster continues to ravage suburbs and towns throughout the sunshine state, more aged care facilities are being evacuated in preparation for the worst. 

An aged care facility in Oakey, around 25 minutes west of Toowoomba, was recently evacuated as well as Blue Care’s facility in Lowood, west of Ipswich.  

Churches of Christ Care’s (Care) Amaroo Aged Care Services in Gatton enacted its emergency response plan earlier this week, evacuating residents following unprecedented flooding in nearby Toowoomba.

Care Queensland’s executive director, Dean Phelan, said that a total of 25 residents were relocated to a number of areas.

“The staff did a tremendous job evacuating everyone in around two-and-a-half hours, which included packing up belongings and arranging necessary supplies including residents medications and documentation, so that it was relocated with them,” said Mr Phelan.  

“At the moment the facility has not been affected by the water, however we are monitoring the situation very closely. 

“The (Amaroo) residents are currently being re-located for the second time due to rising flood waters. We are grateful to Regis Valley View, Gatton Hospital and Gatton Golf Club for their assistance in safely accommodating residents.” 

As flash flooding devastated Toowoomba earlier this week, staff and residents at Churches of Christ Care’s Nubeena and NuMylo Aged Care Services and Nubeena Retirement Village in Toowoomba remained safe.

Mr Phelan said following the ‘inland tsunami’, residents at Nubeena Retirement Village who were affected by flooding were temporarily relocated.

“Twenty of our retirement village units were surrounded by very fast flowing flood water, and up to 16 of the units are water affected inside.

“With little time to prepare, we are so thankful that all our residents and staff were unharmed by this catastrophe. 

“Our education centre is ready to accept people with food and blankets if further flooding arrives today. We are also preparing to relocate residents to alternative accommodation if needed.

“We were overwhelmed by the speed and assistance provided by staff and volunteers at NuMylo and Nubeena, the Community Aged Care Program workers and the visitors and residents at the services.” 

The Brisbane headquarters of Aged Care Queensland (ACQi) has also been evacuated. CEO of Aged Care Queensland, Nick Ryan, said  the Jindalee office will remain unattended until further notice, with all email servers offline and phone lines down. 

“Members should refer to the emails sent prior to Christmas with a list of staff mobile numbers,” the ACQ website said. 

“Staff members should attend to their own safety and NOT attempt to travel to the office. Where possible staff members can continue working from home.” 

Mr Ryan also told AAA he believed that Berlasco Court Caring Centre in Brisbane had also been evacuated overnight. 

More information and assistance?

QLD Government flood information, click here.

Care Qld (Churches of Christ Care) has launched a flood appeal, calling on people to dig deep to help those in need in the affected communities. Click here to make a donation to the appeal.

Flood updates for Churches of Christ care are available by clicking here.

Tags: aged-care, aged-care-queensland, berlasco-court-caring, brisbane, churches-of-christ-care, floods, gatton, oakey, regis, toowoomba,

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