New focus on healthy ageing

The RCNA has launched a new faculty that will focus on healthy ageing.

The Royal College of Nursing Australia (RCNA) has launched a new faculty that will focus entirely on health and wellbeing in ageing.

It will aim to promote the role of nursing in the support of older people and to increase aged care research.

The RCNA’s CEO, Debra Cerasa said the faculty will have a broad outlook.

“Nurses work with older people in a whole range of health settings, including in primary health, in their own homes and in the community, as well as aged care,” she said.

“There are some people who have complex and chronic diseases but are not necessarily in hospital or in care and we want to promote positive ageing in all areas.”

With an ageing population, Ms Cerasa called for a new approach to the ageing process.

“Ageing is not about being diminished, sick and decrepit,” she said. “It is part of the natural continuum of the life journey and people should be able to enjoy the ageing process.

“There has to be more evidence-based practice when people are being cared for by other people and more recognition of the professional experience that nurses bring when they care for older people.”

The new faculty was officially launched at the RCNA’s annual conference in Melbourne.

Tags: ageing-population, nursing, research,

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