New guide issued for managing coronavirus outbreaks in aged care
The Communicable Diseases Network of Australia has released national guidelines for preventing and managing outbreaks of coronavirus in residential aged care.
The Communicable Diseases Network of Australia has released national guidelines for preventing and managing outbreaks of coronavirus in residential aged care.
The CDNA is a joint initiative of the National Health and Medical Research Council and Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council.
The 48-page document, which was published on Friday afternoon, provides best-practice information for preventing and managing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks in aged care homes.
It was developed in consultation with the aged care sector and noted by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.
The guide aims to assist public health authorities, residential aged care services, healthcare workers and carers.
The guidelines cover:
- understanding coronavirus including transmission and complications
- preparation for and prevention of an outbreak
- identifying, testing and notifying cases
- responding to suspected and actual outbreaks
- managing and monitoring an outbreak.
The document is adapted from previous work on flu and respiratory illness outbreak management in aged care, and documents and guidelines from Australian health agencies.
It also draws on documents and guidelines from various international health authorities including the World Health Organisation, Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
It captures the knowledge of experienced professionals and provides guidance on good practice based upon the available evidence at the time of completion, the guide says.
The Department of Health is encouraging all providers to use these guidelines in conjunction with existing practices.
Access the CDNA National Guidelines for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Residential Care Facilities in Australia here.
Up-to-date information about coronavirus (COVID-19) is available on the department’s website.
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In response to this email , I am a pcw and my employment with Allity is contributing and following necessary precautions to prevent and protect . All following necessary precautions against coronavirus as advised.
Will aged care places still accept respite patients?
Currently are nursing homes aloud to make staff not were face mask
Tells you sweet nothing about Carona Virus waste of TIME.
When aged care facilities go into lockdown due to an outbreak of gastro, influenza or corona virus the workload doubles due to infection control measures, all meals served in rooms etc…and yet staff numbers remain the same..the standard of care is expected to be upheld and the expectations far exceeds the capabilities of staff..extra staff are a must to meet demands for quality care to be maintained..
I am looking into this.
Aged Care facilities are now restricting Certificate 3 students completing their mandatory 120 hours of work placement. These are the workforce they will need as more people get sick. I don’t understand why the industry does not realise that they are going to need these graduates to cover the shortfall in staffing numbers. Seems crazy.
With the outbreak of corona virus
Do staff carers in nursing homes have to wear masks daily as they are dealing with the fragile and leaving their shifts daily and mixing socially
Dear aged care employees
Learn the facts
You’re supposed to be health care workers. If you dont know the basics, you’re part of the problem
and stop using facebook as your source of information