New provider payment portal up and running
The new Aged Care Payment System went live this week allowing providers to submit claims on the Aged Care Provider Portal.

The new Aged Care Payment System went live this week allowing providers to submit claims on the Aged Care Provider Portal.
Providers can use the ACPP for aged care subsidies and supplements for:
- home care
- residential care
- transition care
- short-term restorative care.
The portal allows providers to:
- manage which users can claim on their behalf
- filter details in claim and event screens
- search for care recipients and events.
Providers can learn how to access the ACPP here and find out more about using the portal via the Education Resources Gateway.
Troubled history
A move to replace the old payment system was reported by Australian Ageing Agenda as far back as October 2016 when the then Coalition government announced it would develop a new platform to deliver health, aged care and veterans’ payments.
The old system had been causing headaches for aged care providers on an ongoing basis with reports of lengthy delays for payments, demands for compensation and apologies, and inaccuracies.
When AAA reached out to the Aged & Community Care Providers Association to ask whether they had received reports of providers experiencing teething problems with the new payment system we were told there had been none, but that it was early days.
If providers do experience problems with the system, AAA is keen to hear from you. Leave a comment below or contact
Accessing care minute targets
As well, care minute targets are now available on the My Aged Care service provider portal.
For each of their facilities, providers can access:
- the total average care minutes target that needs to be delivered by a combination of registered nurses, enrolled nurses and personal care workers per resident per day
- the average registered care minutes target that needs to be delivered by registered nurses per resident per day – this is included as part of the total average care minutes.
Understanding care minutes is important for providers as it will inform staff planning as the sector transitions to the new funding model – AN-ACC – from 1 October 2022, and which becomes mandatory from 1 October 2023.
For more information, providers are advised to read section nine of the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal User Guide and the How to calculate care minute targets fact sheet.
Useful resources
Also available from the Department of Health & Aged Care are the following programs that can assist providers to meet workforce planning objectives and care minute targets.
- Workforce Advisory Service – free, independent and confidential advice on workforce planning.
- Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payment – for registered nurses working for the same aged care employer for 6 or 12 months.
- Aged Care Nursing and Allied Health Dementia Care Scholarships – funding for scholarship opportunities.
- Aged Care Transition to Practice Program – mentoring, training and support for new aged care nurses.
- Job Trainer and Fee-Free TAFE – free or low-fee vocational courses in aged care related qualifications.
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