Aged care nurses, personal care attendants and assistants in nursing are being encouraged to step into the spotlight and show the rest of the health care industry how it is done.
HESTA are calling on all aged care staff to single out a remarkable nurse, whose contribution to the care of older people is not only commendable but remarkable, and nominate them for a HESTA Australian Nursing Award.
Nominations can be made for either of the three award categories: Nurse of the Year, Innovation in Nursing and Graduate Nurse of the Year.
“Nurses don’t go looking for glory,” said HESTA CEO, Anne-Marie Corboy. “But the role they play in our communities is incredibly important.”
“Each year we receive hundreds of amazing nominations. The stories are truly inspiring. They are about nurses working in trying circumstances, nurses with innovative ideas and nurses who make an extraordinary effort.
“We hear of these stories because patients, families of patients, colleagues and employers take the time to tell us.
“This is a wonderful aspect of the HESTA Australian Nursing Awards – that everyone who is nominated has made a difference.”
On offer for the winning nurses is a total prize pool of $25,000, as well as the recognition and glory of being rewarded for their commitment and contribution to health care.
Last year three aged care nurses made it to the award’s finals. The 2010 Nurse of the Year winner was mental health nurse, Charlotte Collins from Fremantle Hospital. Ms Collins was recognised for her advocacy of vulnerable patients and advanced negotiation skills in crisis situations.
“Thousands of Australians will turn to a nurse for help this year,” said Ms Corboy. “We invite those who have experienced ‘above and beyond’ care or who may work alongside an amazing nurse to nominate them for an award.”
Acting CEO for Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA), Pat Sparrow, said the awards were an important opportunity to recognise the outstanding and remarkable work of aged care professionals, and encouraged staff to nominate nurses in their organisations.
Ms Sparrow said ACSA was delighted to have HESTA on board as a national partner and sponsors of ACSA’s national annual awards for excellence in aged care.
Nominations are due to close on Monday 28 February.
For more information about the awards, click here.