Nurse practitioners on reform agenda

ACAA has welcomed an announcement from the Health Minister about alternative solutions to the GP shortage.

The industry has welcomed the Health Minister’s proposal to reform the structure and funding of the national health system.

Nicola Roxon told the Australian General Practice Network conference in Sydney that the Government would be exploring ways in which other health practitioners such as nurse practitioners could deliver traditional GP services.

Aged Care Association Australia CEO Rod Young welcomed the announcement, saying a new approach was needed in aged care.

“Many aged care facilities [struggle] to secure adequate GP services for their residents,” he said.

“[It is] very timely that issues surrounding service models and who can access the Medicare schedule need to be re-examined from the position of the best outcome for current and future health care recipients.”

Mr Young said aged care providers are particularly keen to work towards systems that involve nurse practitioners.

“Unfortunately, after a very positive trial of nurse practitioners in the ACT two years ago, there has been little development to resource the expansion of this role across the aged care industry,” he said.

But the Australian Medical Association (AMA) played down the ability of other health practitioners to take the place of doctors.

“The Government’s proposed solution for patients needing to see a doctor is to falsely reassure them that seeing someone other than a doctor is the same thing,” said AMA President, Rosanna Capolingua.

“Nurses and other health providers are skilled and respected in their role in assisting patient care but in terms of comprehensive primary care, they are most effective for patients while under medical supervision,” she said.

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