Pilot project tackles clients’ legal issues
A new program in Sydney’s south is helping community care clients to access free or discounted legal advice.
The Benevolent Society’s community care clients in Sydney’s St George and Sutherland regions are taking advantage of a pilot program which has enabled them to access discounted or free legal advice.
The Planning Ahead project is being run with assistance from Legal Aid NSW, the Law Society of NSW and a private solicitor.
Nine care clients have already used the service to help make decisions about wills, powers of attorney, advanced care directives and enduring guardianship.
Fiona Houldsworth from The Benevolent Society said the project provides practical assistance to clients.
“Not only are these really complex decisions for people to make, but they need to be witnessed and documented properly in order for them to be effective,” said Ms Houldsworth.
“So it’s great that we have been able to work with a solicitor who is experienced to make sure it’s all done properly.”
Bill Nichols is a client of the Benevolent Society who receives personal care and case management in his home.
He recently took advantage of the pilot program to sit down with a lawyer and update his will.
“It’s been such a long time since I made any adjustments to my will, and things have changed since then, so I thought it was about time to look at it again,” he said.
Mr Nichols had been concerned about a medical procedure he is due to undergo but with the help of the lawyer, he was also able to appoint a substitute decision-maker.
“I feel a lot more relaxed now, I’m prepared for the future,” said Bill.
Other clients have received assistance with general legal issues including personal injury claims, concerns about potential financial abuse from family members and family law problems.