All homes nationwide receive risk management pack

The agency has distributed a pack on risk management and unannounced visits to every aged care facility in the country.

The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency has got right into the spirit of the season, sending out an information pack earlier this month to help homes prepare for unannounced visits.

The pack includes a copy of the agency’s Results and processes guides, a three-edition series of The Standard dealing with risk management and a 2009 wall planner.

This is the second year that the agency has distributed an information pack to every Commonwealth-approved aged care facility in Australia.

The agency said it received a lot of positive feedback from the industry about the first pack sent out in 2007 and so had decided to distribute it again.

The Results and processes guide in the pack is the same document that is used by assessors when they conduct audits and can be used for self-assessment and internal auditing.

The guide was updated in August and includes the latest considerations for assessors, based on industry feedback and contemporary practice guidelines in Australia and overseas.

“Every organisation should undertake risk management planning,” said the agency’s CEO, Mark Brandon, in a letter to managers and directors of nursing.

“Aged Care is no different. The information in The Standard  looks at the areas where non-compliance has been most frequently identified, and the most common contributing factors.”

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