Ambassador for ageing rolls up sleeves
The new Ambassador for Ageing joins the campaign to encourage seniors to take the flu vaccine.
The newly appointed Ambassador for Ageing has rolled up her sleeve in a bid to urge older Australians to have their annual influenza shots.
Noeline Brown, 69, set an example to all seniors when she fronted up to a local GP in Petersham in Sydney’s inner west on 23 April to take the needle.
In an interview with Australian Ageing Agenda last week, Ms Brown said part of her role would be to promote a healthy lifestyle for older Australians
“I think a lot of the time, older people are really concerned about health issues and that’s something I will be hoping to remind people to do – to take good care of their own health by doing things like having their flu shots…and I will be having mine soon,” she said.
At the same time, Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot talked up the Commonwealth Government’s $26.2 million program to provide free flu shots to people aged 65 and over.
“In the last five years, influenza and pneumonia were responsible for 2.5 per cent of all deaths in Australia – and in 2006 resulted in 2725 deaths – making it the 12th highest cause of death,” said Mrs Elliot.
“I am urging every eligible older Australian to take advantage of the National Immunisation Program – and not become another statistic.”
The Minister said it is best to take the vaccine in the autumn months before flu outbreaks become more common in the colder months.
The flu season usually commences in late-May and continues until September.
Mrs Elliot also encouraged older Australians to receive their pneumococcal vaccine which is also provided free to seniors under the National Immunisation Program.
“I urge everyone over 65 to take these seasonal precautions to ensure that they receive the maximum benefit for a safer and healthier autumn and winter,” she said.
An article in the next print edition of Australian Ageing Agenda (due out next week) also highlights the importance of influenza immunisations among care staff in aged care.
More information is available on the Fight Flu web site developed by the National Institute of Clinical Studies.