Government launches directory for older people
The guide lists a wide range of services for older people, along with summary information and contact details.
The Minister for Ageing has launched a free directory to help older people understand the range of options for care, support and services.
The ‘Directory of Services for Older People 2010’ contains chapters on legal rights, accessing aged care, finance and health.
Justine Elliot said the guide would assist older people and their families to navigate their way through the maze of government services.
“Knowing what assistance is available from the government and where to go to get that assistance is very important for older Australians and their families,” the minister said.
Mrs Elliot described the directory as an easy-to-read source of information which provides brief information and contact details about a wide range of government services.
This year the directory has been printed with spiral binding so it can be laid flat when being read, larger type to make it easier to read and tabs to make finding the relevant section even easier.
Copies of the directory are available by contacting the Aged Care Information Line on 1800 500 853, by contacting a Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre on 1800 052 222 or through Centrelink offices.
An electronic version of the guide can be obtained by clicking here.
Braille and audio versions on CD are also available by calling the Aged Care Information Line on 1800 500 853.