Low vision medication aid

A new blister pack has been developed for people with poor eyesight.

The new low vision Webster-pak is easier to read.

A new medication blister pack has been launched by Webstercare for people with low vision.

The Webster-pak LV medication aid was developed in collaboration with Vision Australia and features large white writing on a black background.

“We are finding, these small changes to the traditional Webster-pak – especially the white on black contrast, which clarifies the writing, helps people with low vision to take their medications safely and accurately – as prescribed  by their doctor,” said the managing director of Webstercare, Gerard Stevens.

“It is a fact of life that as we age, the sight of many people is not as good as it once was and the new Webster-pak LV will take the chance out of not being able to read the medication days and times properly.”

The new pack is now being sold in pharmacies throughout Australia wide and pharmacists have reported that it is easy to make the transition.

Click here for more information.

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