Minister: I am still committed
Minister Butler may have picked up an extra job title but, he says, he remains committed to aged care and sector-wide reform.
Above: Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler
By Yasmin Noone and Stephen Easton
The Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler’s political resume has just gotten that little bit longer, having been appointed Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform by Julia Gillard yesterday.
A spokesperson for the minister confirmed the new appointment today saying that the position reaffirms the Prime Minister’s commitment to mental health reform.
“The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has appointed Mr Butler as Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform, demonstrating the government’s ongoing commitment to mental health reform,” a spokesperson said.
“This appointment also recognises that mental illness is not just a health issue, but is a whole of life issue.”
The appointment however has generated sector-wide concern over the minister’s commitment aged care and specifically, the time he will now be able to devote to aged care reform.
During a live conversation between attendees at the Aged and Community Services Australia National Conference (ACSA) and the minister earlier today, Mr Butler fielded a question about the appointment from ACSA president, Klaus Zimmerman.
“Yesterday you picked up another job as the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Mental Health Reform,” Mr Zimmerman asked.
“Now your duties have doubled or trebled. How much time can you give to aged care and ageing?”
Mr Butler reassured the crowd and indeed the sector, stating that the new job title will not change his duties, workload or commitment to aged care reform.
“The change that has been announced is a very mundane and administrative one [based on a] commitment in this year’s budget to establish a national mental health reform commission – to take it out of the Department of Health and Ageing and put it in the PM’s own department,” the minister said.
“The arrangement doesn’t add or detract from the workload I’ve had in the last 12 months. I hope no one is in any doubt about the level of my commitment.”
Glad we cleared that up!