Minister promises open planning

Nominations are now open for the Aged Care Planning Advisory Committees.

The Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot has called for nominations for the Aged Care Planning Advisory Committees, pledging to fulfill the ALP’s election promise of greater accountability and transparency in the allocations process.

Committees are being established in each state and territory to assess the aged care needs of each planning region and advise the department on the distribution of aged care places.

The Minister will determine the total number of places in each state and territory before the Department of Health and Ageing allocates beds and community care packages to specific regions based on the advice of the committees.

A key role of the committees will be to identify areas of high need and to suggest ways to prioritise allocations within those regions.

“This is about transparency and increased accountability in relation to aged care planning,” said Mrs Elliot.

“For 12 years, the previous government limited discussion in the area of aged care. We are about a new openness in aged care.”

A majority of the eleven-person committees must be drawn from non-government organisations.

The department recommends that nominees have an understanding of aged care from the perspective of consumers as well as providers.

“A person cannot be appointed as a committee member solely on the basis of their capacity to represent a particular body or group and key personnel of an aged care approved provider are not eligible for appointment,” it said in a statement.

Members are appointed to the committees for a maximum of two years.

Nominations close on 27 June and further information can be obtained by calling 1800 500 853.

Tags: transparency,

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