NSW state election: Consider now, vote later
Christmas may be around the corner but soon enough, so too will be the NSW state election. COTA NSW calls upon political candidates and voters alike to consider the issues now and make older people an election priority.
‘Tis the season to be jolly but this Christmas, voters across the state are being encouraged to think about what kind of future they would like for the older members of their family, in the lead up to the NSW state election.
Less than two weeks out from the turn of the New Year, Council on the Ageing (COTA) NSW has called upon voters and political candidates alike to use the season’s ‘down time’ to digest the fact that the NSW 2011 election is just around the corner.
CEO of COTA NSW, Ian Day, advised NSW residents to start thinking about the issues that they would like to be addressed now, before the election actually arrives.
“There are a number of principles that we are calling for,” Mr Day said.
“People really need to digest the issues now and chat about them with their friends.”
In its recently released 2011 Election Platform, COTA NSW outlined five key areas of action that it wants political candidates to commit to: financial security; housing and accommodation; transport and mobility; grandparents raising grandchildren; and health and in-home support.
“Older people should be supported and encouraged to live active, healthy and productive lives †working, volunteering, traveling or ‘ageing in place’ (living at home, independently, with help when needed),” the Election Platform stated.
“Policies need adjustment to ensure positive action for ageing!”
Mr Day said that although the state Labor government made good headway in creating the document, Towards 2030 Planning for our changing population, future steps must be taken to retain and evolve the plan.
COTA NSW has therefore asked the future NSW government to reform planning laws to set targets for affordable and livable housing for older people and to extend the stamp duty waiver to all property types for pensioners and self funded retirees seeking to downsize.
“The other thing that we are calling for is an application of a Seniors Impact Statement to all NSW Budget, Policy and Program decisions,” Mr Day said.
“What that means is that [before implementing policies] government departments will ask themselves, ‘How is it going to effect seniors?’”
“It could be an agricultural or transport policy, but whatever the department is, before they sign off on the policy, they will think about the impact it will have on older people.
“If we have that in place, then we won’t have to retrofit the policies and programs that come out…It’s about changing attitudes.
“The truth of the matter is that you require impact statements for areas that are important but that sometimes get forgotten.
“Everyone thinks about young kids and their parents, as they are still in the workforce and spending lots of money. Older people tend to be somewhat quieter so what we are saying is to think of them [when writing policies] because they one can be affected adversely and at the end of the day they still vote.”
The organisation also requests that political candidates commit to making grandparents raising grandchildren equal to Foster Carers by granting them access to respite care, training, counseling, and financial support.
The NSW state election will be held on Saturday 26 March 2011.
“When you consider that elections can be won or lost on a few votes it’s worth understanding what older people want”, COTA NSW’s election platform said.
“They are all voters.”
Labor will not win in next states and federal election without a new direction to sooth voters broken heart, following a 70 years hung parliament eruption, no matter KARL Bitar has resigned as the ALP’s national secretary after strong internal criticism of his management of Labor’s 2010 election campaign.
The voters’ hearts broken not only anger the one or two in election conducted, if we take a look at the careless tested below an example of what our $1.65 millions spending each of Politician care for community development are liked?
It really should surprised to all communities very much when there were only one or two MPs respond to such greatest health/economic development from previous two letters sent through to all MPs in nation wide to convince the opportunity of “A Healthy Las Vegas Economy Model†for Australia communities .
This health/economic convergence development is by far the largest in national, and international significance if we have our innovative knowledge, elements, resource that supported by this land, people and government.
Again, what are innovative ideas $1.65 millions spending each politician, political parties, and governments have been in efficient, effective, and economical governance in their best efforts to enable communities to reach this opportunity?
(Member of Inventor Association QLD since 1993) purplehealthy@gmail.com , Full details are linked to: http://www.streetcorner.com.au/news/showPost.cfm?bid=20747&mycomm=ES
Why believe coalition Supporting Local Communities?
It’s all about power and money most Politicians and parties wanted above all and after all election?
Just listen how Barry O’Farrell convincing voters: “Over the last four years I announced positive and practical policies which will help support local communities……..†.
Take a look below the link subject: “Time for Action†in “Healthy Active Life†program that convert Broken hill into a Healthy Las Vergas Broken Hill economy? Link with http://www.streetcorner.com.au/news/showPost.cfm?bid=20747&mycomm=ES
… , will you then still believe Barry O’Farrell’s announced positive and practical policies which will help support local communities……..†?
Will you also believe there were only 1-2 Politicians responding to this greatest “Healthy Las Vergas Broken Hill economy model�
Why the most Politicians do fail their own test in support community health/economic development who with$1.65 million Tax payer’s money each annual spending for?
Masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD)
Why believe coalition economic plan works without revitalize agriculture and manufacture industries??
It’s all about power and money most Politicians and parties wanted above all and after all election?
Just listen how Barry O’Farrell convincing voters: “People are our asset. They are our greatest wealth and they should be given the opportunity to pursue their dreams?” On the issue of economic management, Mr O’Farrell was asked what he thought was the state’s greatest source of wealth, given NSW lacked a resources industry.
Take a look below the link subject: “Time for Action†in “Healthy Active Life†program that convert Broken hill into a Healthy Las Vergas Broken Hill economy? Link with http://www.streetcorner.com.au/news/showPost.cfm?bid=20747&mycomm=ES
… .
When we look at what today’s shrinking industries, such of agriculture (34% of fruit and 19% of vegetables imported); manufacture (10.5% by 2005–6) destructed by John Howard’s coalition government.
Will you then still believe Mr Barry O’Farrell’s coalition opposition announced positive and practical policies which will help revitalize agriculture and manufacture industries for create more sustainable jobs, and innovative export products?
Remember, it’s not one person to construct or destruct the whole lots of industries, it’s the matter of whole political party/government?
Will you also believe there were only 1-2 Politicians responding to this greatest “Healthy Las Vergas Broken Hill economy model�
Why the most Politicians do fail their own test in spend little brain work to revitalize agriculture and manufacture industries who with $1.65 million Tax payer’s money each annual spending for?
Masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD)