Rural aged care upgraded

Multi-Purpose Services that provide aged care in rural areas have received a funding boost, from a multi-government initiative.

Above: Mark Butler, the Minister for Mental Health, Ageing and Social Inclusion.

A three-way partnership between federal, state and local governments will deliver over $7 million in funding to aged care services in rural Queensland.

The three governments have joined forces to expand and improve residential and community aged care services through Multi-Purpose Services (MPS) located in Mitchell, Surat and Injune, west of Brisbane.

The Commonwealth is providing over $4.5 million for new residential aged care beds, community care places and capital works. 

The Mitchell MPS will get 10 new flexible residential aged care beds and five more community-based aged care places, while the MPS at Surat will have six more high care places and a $1.6 million upgrade to its existing rooms, located at Surat Hospital.

The Queensland Government will contribute land and staffing for the Mitchell MPS upgrade and Maranoa Regional Council will kick in $2.7 million for the construction of a new wing where the new beds will be housed.

The Commonwealth funding will also provide for a new MPS at Injune, with five residential high care places and three community aged care places, as well as a new $1.83 million building at Injune Hospital for up to six older patients.

In making the announcement, the Minister for Mental Health, Ageing and Social Inclusion, Mark Butler, said the new investments meant older Australians in regional Queensland would be able to receive support and care in their community, close to their loved ones.

“These new places will help meet the needs of the local ageing population by providing high level residential care, community care, dementia care and respite care services,” Mr Butler said.   

“Our investment will mean that more residents will be able to receive the care that they need, closer to their homes and community.

“The entire community should be proud of the efforts of their local council to ensure the long-term future of aged care services at Mitchell.

“Aged care has been an issue for the local community for some time and this expansion in residential aged care facilities will support those local residents who are at that stage of their lives where they require residential care.”

The idea of Multi-Purpose Services is to provide a mix of aged care and health services together under one management structure in small communities who are having difficulty supporting independently run services, according to the Department of Health and Ageing.

Tags: funding, mps, multi-purpose-health-service, queensland, rural-and-regional,

1 thought on “Rural aged care upgraded

  1. Can you please tell me the names of aged care facilities that have opened in rural Queensland since 2010
    regards Trish

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