State-run homes need extra funding
An MP from western Victoria says the state Government needs to provide extra funding to upgrade the region’s nursing homes.
A state Nationals MP from western Victoria has urged the Brumby Government to provide additional funding to upgrade the region’s aged care facility.
The Member for Lowan, Hugh Delahunty said the state Government had ignored the needs of older people in the Coleraine electorate.
“The Coleraine aged care facilities are some of the worst in the state,” he told the Legislative Assembly.
“There is surprise that the Coleraine facilities passed the 2008 accreditation. Importantly, for the sake of those seniors in our community who need these facilities, as well as the staff and the families who visit residents, urgent funding is needed to improve the facilities.”
Jim Fletcher, the CEO of Western District Health Service which operates six facilities in the region said there is a requirement to upgrade the Coleraine homes.
“It is considered a high priority by the state Government. Unfortunately, we missed out on funding in the current budget but we will receive further consideration in next year’s state budget,” he said.
“The Government has provided funds for additional land and all the documentation has been completed up to the feasibility stage.
“Now we will wait until the next state budget to find out if make capital program to see if we proceed.”
Mr Delahunty said that age should not be a barrier to enjoying a full and productive life.
He added that facilities should be of a high enough standard to provide the services and programs that are needed to fulfil the needs and commitments of an ageing population.
“I am calling on the Brumby government to fund upgrades to our aged care facilities, especially in Coleraine, to meet modern standards for not only our elderly but also for the families and staff who use the centres,” Mr Delahunty said.