Around 130 new aged care scholarships will be up for grabs for postgraduate or continuing education, the Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler, has announced.
This new scholarship round has been made available through the Australian Government’s $232 million Supporting a Professional Aged Care Workforce Program.
Eligible study areas include clinical gerontology, behavioural management, dementia care, wound care, continence care, palliative care, infection control and leadership and management and registered nurses can apply for scholarships of up to $15,000 a year for two years for postgraduate studies.
Enrolled and registered nurses may receive continuing education scholarships of up to $3,000 to attend conferences, $5,000 for short courses or workshops and up to $6,000 over two years for re-entry courses.
“These scholarships encourage aged care nurses to extend their skills so they can improve the clinical care they provide, or to further their career paths in aged care,” Mr Butler said. “Having access to further training and career advancement makes aged care a better career option and makes it easier to attract and keep quality staff, which in turn means better care for our increasing population of older Australians.”
Mr Butler added that supporting the health and aged care workforce was an essential element of the Gillard Government’s far-reaching reforms to the health system.
“Last month, all states and territories agreed to join the national reform partnership. These reforms will build on our current strengths and reshape the system to better meet the needs of patients and health care in the 21st century.”
Those interested have until 27 April to apply. For more information, call the Royal College of Nursing Australia on 1800 116 696 or visit