Taking the fight to the streets
Alzheimer’s Australia staff and volunteers were in full force today, handing out their Valentine’s Day campaign cards in several locations around the country in a bid to attract the attention of politicians [PHOTO GALLERY].
Above: A picture of Fight Dementia advocates, taken at the Alzheimer’s Australia street photo booth in Sydney earlier today.
By Yasmin Noone
The work day is not yet over but, so far, Alzheimer’s Australia street advocates all over the country have successfully motivated around 1,000 people to fill in a Fight Alzheimer’s, Love Australia campaign heart.
The heart shaped postcards (depicted) – addressed to politicians including Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott – will soon join the many others signed prior to and after today and flood key mail boxes in Parliament House.
However, Mr Abbott has obviously already received a bulk of the Valentine’s Day postcards before today’s event, as he just contacted the organisation on Twitter to say: “Appreciate the many cards from [Alzheimer’s Australia] about the need for more funding into causes of dementia. A timely reminder of a great cause” (see AAA’s Twitter post).
Card tallies are still coming in, however the organisation’s spokesperson said Sydney street volunteers got around 250, Canberra 160 and Hobart, 400 cards signed during select times today. NSW to-date has acheived about 1,000 signed postcards in the last week or so.
Alzheimer’s Australia will use the Valentine’s Day initiative to garner community support for its broader, ongoing Fight Dementia campaign which seeks to secure $500 million of federal government funding over the next five years for the cause.
Teams of Alzheimer’s Australia staff members, volunteers and supporters today hit the streets in every capital city handing out its Valentine’s Day campaign cards to the community.
All cards are addressed to a targeted politician and read “What would you do if your loved one couldn’t remember you’ on one side, and contain space for the sender to complete the sentence: “I’m fighting dementia because…”
V-day campaign pics from around the country
Above: Radio hipsters, the Nova 969 Casonovas, join the fight for dementia funding and sign a card of their own in Sydney.
Above and below: President of Alzheimer’s Australia, Ita Buttrose, promotes the cause.
Above: The Canberra street stall
Below: The Melbourne crew get in on the V-day activities
Below: The Yeperenye Shopping Centre stand in Alice Springs, NT.
Bottom two photos: The Melbourne Alzheimer’s Australia office goes blue with love to Fight Dementia
People can still receive or post their card to Parliament House or drop it off at a nearby Alzheimer’s Australia office.
To get cards delivered to your workplace or home, contact your local Alzheimer’s Australia office.
For office locations click here.