Taskforce draft principles receive thumbs up

The government has released some details of the results of the public consultation on the aged care taskforce’s draft aged care funding principles.

The government has released details of the results of the public consultation on the aged care taskforce’s draft aged care funding principles.

Established in June, the Aged Care Taskforce is – among other things – considering funding options to ensure the future sustainability of the aged care sector. Released in August, its set of draft principles acted as a base for wider discussions within the industry.

In all, 180 submissions were received by the Department of Health and Aged Care from a wide range of stakeholders including aged care providers, financial service providers, health professionals, peak bodies, and older people and their carers.

Through the submissions, the department has learnt that:

  • there exists general support for the draft principles
  • the aged care system needs to modernise and be more sustainable
  • fairness means everyone who needs care gets the appropriate standard of care regardless of their financial means or where they live
  • quality and appropriate care means individualised and person-centered care that is culturally appropriate, not a one-size-fits-all approach
  • aged care programs and funding arrangements are too complex and difficult to understand
  • government should continue to be a major funder of aged care and participant contributions are needed with a sufficient safety net
  • government has a role in directly funding capital infrastructure for aged care in rural and remote areas
  • the aged care funding model should promote innovation
  • providers must earn sufficient income to be able to pay competitive wages that will attract and retain workers.

Feedback from the public submissions has fed into subsequent discussions and will inform the recommended package of options which will be handed to government by the taskforce in a much-anticipated report next month.

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Tags: aged care taskforce, draft principles,

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