Telehealth showcase for SA
A new centre for home healthcare has been launched in Adelaide.
Telehealth is changing the face of long-term care throughout the world.
Two major providers of telehealth solutions have joined together to launch a centre for innovation in home healthcare in with support from the South Australian Government.
Doctors Safety Line and Tunstall say the Adelaide-based centre will showcase the latest technology and give visitors the chance to try out the latest alarms, sensors and monitoring devices for themselves.
“The [centre] a very important new facility for aged care providers, government and private organisations,” said the Managing Director of Doctors Safety Line, Brian English.
“The benefits from utilising telecare and telehealth are potentially huge and [it has] the ability to deliver significant reductions in operational costs.”
Tunstall’s Managing Director for Australasia, Stanley Ng said telehealthcare is transforming services for people with long term health care needs throughout the world.
“It gives patients and carers greater independence and more control over their lives, as well as vital peace of mind,” he said.
“The South Australian government is leading the way in addressing issues of the ageing population and we are delighted to be working with Doctors Safety Line to show how these solutions deliver preventative, enhanced, community based care.”